Bridge 13 – Transcript of phone conversation between Gil and Nigel,                               

April 18th, 2002, 2:42 AM.


Nigel: Gil, to what do I owe the honour of your call?

Gil: (noticeably inebriated) Fuck you! Why do you think I’m calling you?

Nigel: Obviously not to wish me a fine morning. Am I to guess that it has something to do with your career?

Gil: What career? It feels like I haven’t had a career in years. I’m just going through the motions.

Nigel: Does this have something to do with the recent tour that Darnell set you up with?

Gil: Tour? Those weren’t shows, they were receiving lines! 106, 228, 57, 6!!! Those are some of the numbers of the “crowds” in attendance. Of course that was the paid attendance… They had to cancel the gig with 6 paid. How the fuck does that happen to me Nigel? I was in one of the biggest bands in the world, Planetary is a platinum selling band. How the fuck do I go from selling out arenas to a fucking club with 6 goddamn people paying to come see me?

Nigel: Gil, you have to realize that the industry isn’t what it used to be. The type of music Planetary is playing just isn’t hot right now. Things are cyclical though, it will come back around.

Gil: But will it forget me when it does?

Nigel: You made a great living with the Scene, and now you have exactly what you wanted… complete control over the music.

Gil: But halfway through the “tour” we had to switch to a single hotel room for the band. That’s three guys in one room! If I get the bed then I am sleeping with a guy! I’ve slept with more dudes on this tour than I have chicks! Not that I would ever take one back to the shitty hotels we are staying at.

Nigel: Darnell made a decision to best reflect the financial status of the tour. He wants you to be able to get the most out of this run of shows. Remember, just like you, I am paid by Scene Inc. If you wanted to float some money from there to your current tour you could travel much better. But when Darnell looked at the books, you were heading towards owing the tour a rather large sum of money at the end. You have to remember Gil, if you want Planetary to live on its own, then you have to live within the means of the band. And Planetary is in a much different place than you are used to.

Gil: I miss it Nigel. I miss the crowds, the women, the adoration. I miss seeing all the different parts of the world. Not a tour that encompasses three states… I miss the days when I could put out a record and know that it would sell.

Nigel: As I said earlier, the industry isn’t what it used to be. You have to grow with it. Adapt. Prove that you are stronger.

Gil: I love the fans that come out to see us. It’s great when I get to shake their hands and take pictures with them. But it isn’t the same. The love is different… Most of them are just there to hear the few Scene tracks that we play.

Nigel: What about the Scene? You know that there are offers on the table for a reunion tour. I know some of the other guys would be in in a heartbeat.

Gil: There you go again. You tell me I have what I want with Planetary with the control of the music, and then you bring up The Scene… I know you want me to do it. I know the guys want me to do it, but I can’t… I just can’t do it right now… There’s too much… I don’t know, baggage. Too much personality, too much shit. (It sounds like Gil is starting to cry) I’m tired of it being about somebody else, the music is mine, The Scene is mine… why can’t it be about me for a change?

Nigel: Gil…

(Nigel hears a click as Gil hangs up the phone)

(A minute or so later)

Nigel: Gil…

Gil: I’m sorry Nigel. I really am. I know you work hard for me. I know you are looking out for me.

Nigel: You have a family Gil. Not just me, but everyone you have ever played with. They’re family. Don’t forget that.

Gil: Then why did they all leave Nigel?

Nigel: They didn’t leave Gil, you pushed them away…

(Gil hangs up the phone once again)